Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I am completely flabbergasted. I was all gung ho to say something but now that I am revisiting this journal I find myself at a loss for words. Isn't that the way it always is? I feel like I spend way too much time surfing the Net and neglecting my reading. I keep finding all these awesome books and buying them, only to let them sit collecting dust. I don't know what that says about my attention span. Although thinking about it, it doesn't say much. I'm taking classes and have no problems getting the work done. It is just that I spend all my time reading the news and stuff on the web, rather than actual books. It makes me feel like a slacking slacker who slacks a lot. Not to mention I have this niggling feeling that there should be something more that I should be doing. Also, I have this weird feeling my brother might go berzerk. It's nothing I can pin down though. I am just feeling directionalness.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

I keep thinking about this and wondering if a written journal might not be better because that is the way I always go. If I do it this way, it's like I'm exposing myself to the world. It's marginally disconcerting.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Something new . . .

So a long defunct blog rediscovered. I'm seeking new things in my life, so I was thinking a new medium might do me some good. It's a feeling so infinitesimal that I don't even know how to categorize it. So, here is to something new, hopefully.