Saturday, August 29, 2009

Doesn't seem like you can cut your posts like in Livejournal. Due to the fact the none of the bookstores had any of my books I was forced to order them all from Amazon. I got two day shipping, but it doesn't seem like they will be coming in until sometime next week. What can you do?

Trying to compose my thoughts regarding the reading for RED5337. Fortunately, I have the PDF articles. It's something anyway.

The Kamil articles discusses reading and literacy among grades 4-12. The first thing I picked up on is the fact that the United States is behind even developing nations when it comes to reading. So, my first question of course is why? I mean is it a matter of methods or students? It seems likely that it is students. The next question is why are students in the United States so unmotivated to read? In these other countries does it really come down to parental pressure or is there more desire there to succeed? I would hope not, but who am I to say really? I know we mentioned in class how students are reading and creating these amazing worlds based on MMORPG, so perhaps it is just a matter of content.

The article says that educators support the methods, saying that they are proven, except there hasn't been any improvement in reading scores in 30 years or something? I mean that doesn't sound like the methods are working. Is lack of awareness really an excuse?

Friday, August 28, 2009

So, I bought a netbook last night. It is amusing to me because only a few years ago I was all about getting a laptop. I actually told my friend that my laptop was too heavy to be carrying all over the place. How far I've come since my first PC. Next on my list of tech to acquire is an iPhone, but that won't be until January when I'm eligible for an upgrade. Stupid contract, making me wait.

It's a good thing my pocketbook doesn't support me acquiring every sort of tech out there. Although I do wish my pocketbook did support my living well, that would be nice.

Just a hello to the world in general, as this is my first post.

Ja ne!