Friday, October 16, 2009

Clay Shirky’s talk was enlightening in the ways media is being used today. Through the Internet the world is becoming much smaller. It is allowing people to connect and become global Samaritans, as evidenced by the devastation and subsequent assistance provided in the wake of the earthquake in China. Although, not mentioned in Shirky’s talk it was further evidenced by the use of Twitter to publicize the results of the Iranian election and the move to squash the election. In this age of online communication, censorship is much harder to achieve. Living in close proximity as I did, I was fairly aware of the “Great Firewall of China” although I didn’t know it was referred to as such. It is still surprising to me that they can successfully repress the public in such a widespread manner.

We have to make the case that if this technology was available in the past, then wouldn’t it stand to reason that the government would also have the technology to suppress? You have to give tit for tat. If the public has the tech to communicate atrocities, then it should stand to reason that the government has the tech to suppress the communication. Although, it is probably likely that something would get through no matter what the government tries to do.

What if when Columbus came to America and began what would essentially be an age of conquest and subjugation for the Native Americans, what if they had access to the Internet or Twitter? First off, those initial tribes would probably start tweeting about this strange new sickness that seemed to arrive with the white man. It might make subsequent tribes a little less likely to approach Columbus and his crew with open arms. Heck, the Native Americans could almost use the smallpox as an early warning system for the arrival of the white man. It would quickly become apparent that death and destruction followed in the wake of the white man. It might have still resulted in the Incan civil war, but it might have made Atahualpa much less likely to greet Pizarro with open arms. In fact, it might result in a shoot first; ask questions later kind of policy by the Native Americans.

What could the conquistadors have done in counter? I’m not sure there is anything they could have done, by the time they figured out that the word was out there that they came to conquer it would probably be too late. What would be the ramifications? Well, to start I think the conquest of America might have taken much longer than it did. If all the Native Americans knew that some bad people were on their way, they would probably attempt to take appropriate measures. It’d probably make American history slightly different.

Do you think if Native Americans had access to online resources that the conquest of North & South America would have been quite so successful?


  1. If the Native Americans had access to online resources, then it's possible that they would have known about other Native groups in other parts of North or South America and possibly already created good relations and alliances. Instead of having to face Columbus and other European settlers on their own, they could have easily banded together to stand up for their way of life. With the Natives making alliances through social networking, the settlers would have been so intimidated by their information, comraderie, and numbers I think that they would have been much more intimidated and would have had to engage in a struggle that might not have been worth the effort to them. The plight of Native Americans throughout American history could definitely have ended up much differently.

  2. If the Native Americans had access to the internet, twitter and such, I agree it would have taken much longer...They could have all kept each other informed of the happenings, bought some new weapons on ebay, put a hidden gps tracking device on the explorers so other tribes could anticipate their arrival. It could have also maybe made things easier..? Communication between explorers and Native Americans could have been more effective, that would have greatly changed things also.

  3. I think the Native Americans would have been better organized to resist the conquistadors. The initial meeting would probably not be good for the welcoming tribes, but as the tweets rang out covering the bad things that started happening tribes farther away would have time to organize. Sadly, I think all this means is the conquerors would have gone back to their countries and brought more soldiers to do the job.

    I also thought about the election in Iran and subsequent riots when I watched the Shirky's video. To us Americans it is hard to believe such a tightly restrictive government is in power and even supported by many. I think we like to imagine that if we were restricted in the same ways that we would stand up and start a revolution but I have my doubts. It seems that as long as we are comfortable we'll let anything happen if it doesn't interfere with our luxuries. Hopefully I'm wrong. Thanks for the thoughts.

  4. Unfortunately, everyone's said what I think: social networking would have kept other groups informed and perhaps helped them organize better to resist conquistadors. However, looking at facts of history, I'm not sure that even if natives had access to twitter they would have been able to overcome the advanced technology of the Spanish. Or, maybe they would have had time to come up with a better defense.
